Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hush, hush

The book I have currently finished reading is The New York Times Bestseller, hush,hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. This book is amazing, definitely a lot of fun to read. It kept me in the zone. My opinion, this book is a page turning, jaw dropping thriller.It kept me breathless at the end of every chapter. I couldn't put the book down, even now to write this report it was hard to stop reading. Ha ha. The story it tells, has all my favorite elements in one. A general heart filled love story, it's suspenseful, mysterious, full of drama, has a little bit of evil and can be scary.

When I read the back of this book it felt like I was reading a script to a movie I was about to star in because it felt so real to me. Nora Grey, an average sophomore in high school who didn't have falling in love with a handsome stranger in her lifelong plan. No matter how much her best friend vee pushes her to be. Her best friend reminds me of mine, Kristie. Which is why I feel I can relate to this story so much. But back to the story, I'm getting to the good part. All of a sudden came Patch, who totally is hot and not even modest about anything. Odd part is he's been there all along, Nora just never noticed. Weird right? How can you not see that.. However, with his easy eyes that seem to see inside her, he draws her to him against her better judgment.

After a series of terrifying encounters, Nora thinks, well actually knows that it has to do with Patch entering her life and now she doesn't know who to trust. At the beginning of the book I thought to myself oh If I ever met a Patch I wouldn't give it a second thought, but after reading more into Patch's character I realized to be with him, would be more dangerous than you'd think. Patch seems to know more about her than even she does. She doesn't know if she should listen to her heart and run in his arms or trust her gut feeling and run and hide. You know the more you are around a person, the more you get to know who they really are. I would be curious about it all. The more she tries to find some answers, the more impossible events happen.

Nora is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those who have fallen, when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost Nora her life. Dun dun..! This book most definitely made me think about life. I even had dreams and nightmares about it because that's how real it felt for me. I would really recommend this book to anyone who like this type of genre. You will really enjoy this book. I say that anything that can give me goosebumps, is worth looking into.


Today will be the day everything will get better for everyone.

Everyday the sun comes up to show you there is no more darkness.

Each passing night, the moon comes out and you know tomorrow will be brand new.

Show And Tell

The object I would bring for show and tell would be, these rings that are my grandmothers. Well technically they are also mine. My grandma has these two rings that she has worn since I could remember. They are so beautiful they have an old feeling about them, and they come with a past. She has these amazing stories that she always tells about where they came from, how she got them, who gave them to her, etc. If you saw them then you would know what I mean. They are a certain type of turquoise jewelry, big rings, definitely noticeable.

She has this will that she wrote ahead of time for when her time comes, and she told me that when she passes away that they are mine. They will be given down to me because she sees how I am always admiring them. So they will belong to me. Everybody knows that your grandparents always have the best stories to tell because they've been around longer than most and they have really experienced it all. My grandma isn't much for jewelry, so seeing how she never takes those rings off, that shows you that they must be that much important. You always have that one item that means the world to you that you cant help but keep close to your heart, and one day that will be mine.

The main reason that they're so important to me is because my grandmother was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and we are not sure how much longer we have with her, so having the thing closest to her heart right now makes it less harder to lose her. Unfortunately not enough. You always need something to remember a dear person by, and those rings she wears on her bare hands will do it for me. She is the person that pretty much started our family. She is the one that holds our family together. Those rings may be old and worth a lot one day, but my grandma is worth more than anything I can do with the rings.

Show and tell is a time to bring and talk about something that is worth bragging about and something to be proud of sharing with the world, something that belongs to my grandmother is definitely worth anything I can share about it. She is the dearest person to my heart and I hope those rings that are close to her heart, will fill the deep hole inside when she does go to a better place. When her rings are on me, her memory will be deep within me.