Monday, March 29, 2010

The Time Machine

If I were able to invent a time machine I wouldn't go back in time to the past. I would fly my way to the future because the future is a lot more appealing to me than the past. To be honest I don't really care what happened when I wasn't around, all I want to know is what is going to happen in the future when I'm still around. Even though it would the best chance in a lifetime to go back to the past and start over, I think I rather keep going with my life and just move forward. Which is why I chose the future. It would answer so many of the questions being asked.

A specific time I would go to first would probably be 2012 of course, just to answer the really big question, is the world going to end? I guess I would want to know the real answer, and what better to go find out for myself. I would also want to know if i made to my graduation haha. I know it is only two years from now but hey if you think about it, a lot can happen in two years.

After that interesting trip to 2012 I would then go even further into the future to see how much the world has grown. I mean there are so many questions people, including myself have about it and I would just want to go and figure it all out. I would want to see all the new inventions that have been created, I would want to see how I have changed and grown. But then again to think about if the world ever does end then I guess there would be nothing to go to after my first trip, even though I doubt it is.

I just would want to cure my curiosity and finally get some answers. I would want to see id everything i did in my past affected my future somehow. So when going back to my time, I would know what to expect. You see all these movies about the future, about how it is going to be and that just makes you think even harder about what it's really going to be like. Wouldn't it just be nice to see it all for yourself. I mean in history class all you hear about is the past, and about what happened 100 years ago. Well what I don't get is why they never discuss what is going to happen 100 years from now. Isn't it just as important to know what life were going to as it is to what life were coming from?

To say the least I would just want to know what the future is really and truly going to be like. I just want some answers. Maybe I should just wait and see, maybe I wouldn't want to know, maybe once I'm there I will regret finding out, and once I'm back I will regret wanting to know. But then i think where is the fun in that. If I had the time machine to do it all then why not, I mean it would practically be screaming my name to use it, and take the opportunity of a lifetime. I;m not sure if I would like what I'm going to find out in the future but I think knowing is a lot better than not knowing.

Friday, March 26, 2010

My Family History

Well i guess you can say my family is not that exciting, I mean nothing really happened in my family history, and if there was then it probably happened too far back that no one can remember. However, to say the least my family has always had this thing where my mom and all of her sisters were married by the age of 16. Of course it was never the boys that had this expectation. my grandma and grandpa made sure they were all married before they even graduated from high school and if possible, pregnant also. Which my mom was pregnant with my sister. It happened the same way too with my grandparents and there parents and so forth. It has always been that way since the very beginning of our family.

They didn't exactly choose the guy they wanted them to marry they just kind of had to approve them. They had no choice, I mean they were all happy but I guess some of them kind of wished that they hadn't been so rushed into it. When asking my grandmother why it has always been that way she said that they wanted my mom and my aunties to start their lives young and she just wanted to prepare them for life.

Of course some of the marriages in my family didn't last, most did like my grandparents, they were married since they were sixteen up until my grandpa passed away a little after I was born so I would say about 50 years. Of course the tradition has changed now because my dad says there is no way me and my sister are going to get married at sixteen, which is how old I am now. Which I guess is kind of good because I am not ready to have a husband.. But I am sure that, that tradition will go on for many, many more years depending on the parents. My mom says that she was happy that her parents made her marry my dad but she wished she could of waited. Which is what they both want me to do, they say it should be my decision on when I want to get married and start a family. They say it is when my heart tells me it is time is when it's time, and that is the only thing I should listen to.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Diego Rivera Original....

Something about this painting is so simple, but when I saw it I just I knew I had to write about it. Diego Rivera is an amazing artist, his paintings really make you think, and that is what this one did. Just by looking at the little boys facial expression you know that his face is anything, but blank. There is such an innocence about him.
You know your probably wondering why I chose this painting out of all of them, something about this little boy just jumped out on me and made me think of my nephew who looks to be around the same age. Just the look and feeling I get by looking in his eyes brought back memories of my nephew.

It's funny how you take a glimpse of something and it all comes to you. There is probably a reason to this painting that Diego Rivera created, but that reason is unknown at the moment and I am making my own guess about it. There is a story to tell about what is going on this picture? Maybe it relates to Diego, maybe it is him once upon a time, or maybe it was just an idea he painted one day, either way this painting practically told me to write about it so I did.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Statue Of Liberty

The New Colossus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
By:Emma Lazarus
This poem in a way is inspirational. To know that the whole statue of liberty was created based of these words. Just the way she describes the liberty gives you an image in your head, and for that second you can just see it without looking at it.
People don't really notice the poem, they don't really pay attention to it but they should because it is a big part of the statue of liberty, it makes a huge difference to the point of liberty.