"I dream a world." This poem, what it means to me is that he has his own beliefs. He don't believe as others do. Langston Hughes says that it doesn't matter what you skin color or what your religion may be. You are human and that is how the world should be. He sees what this world has become and he is full on against it.
He wants to start the peace. The picture I have above shows what Hughes is writing about. If only it would happen now. He is man that is saying what every man should be saying. To me it does not matter what color lays upon your skin because we are all the same. We are all to blame for our mistakes. No one is perfect. This lifetime isn't perfect. And the world we live in sure as hell is not close to perfect. And most of us could possibly try to fix it just by ignoring what race we are or what church we attend. He's dreaming of a world that doesn't exist but is desperately trying to be made.
You wake up every morning and wonder what will come next. We are doing better than we have done anytime before us. Back then whites and blacks weren't even allowed to be in the same room together to knowing we don't have to be apart. Though it hasn't fully transformed from that last world yet. There are very few people who still look at my skin and suddenly think that everything is come handed to me. That my life is so perfect. Little do they know, that will never be true for everyone.
The Sun comes up every morning but it still makes me wonder, will the sun go down at the end of it all. He is begging and pleading for peace in this world. Only you wouldn't know that unless you read between the lines. We all want what he wants, we just don't have the guts to write about it and share it with the world. When will it all stop? When will people stop caring about what we look like?
I wonder sometimes how far this will go on. Will they push it to the point where their will be a hardcore war, blacks against whites? Then again aren't we already fighting that war? Haven't we been since the beginning of time? What side are you on? That's what Langston Hughes is trying to spell out for us.