Friday, September 10, 2010

Race In America

The topic that I will be talking about in this essay is about Race (the reality in human differences). So much is going on in the world right now. Not anything good but stuff definitley worth talking about because everyone, incuding myself, should know what is going on in the world. All you have to do now days is turn to any news channel and there it is, all the craziness happening around us. It's suprising on how bad things have gotten.

The first topic of my discussion is about the whole contreversy with the mosque wanting to be built in New York City. This is ridiculous. I don''t even understand how someone could even let them think about building it just blocks away from where the 9/11 attack was. I mean okay I get it, not all Muslims are bad. It wasn't there fault but come on it doesn't matter because there communioty is responible for the attack and they need to be respectful to the victims of this. This makes me really angry because of all places to build a mosque, they have to build it there. It's awful. However, they have the right to. No one can stop them from doing it. All i know is that I would keep fighting for what is right, because what they are doing, is not right at all.

The second most talked about story happening would be the burning of the Korans in Florida on saturday September 11. Which of course would be 9/11. People are just going crazy over this. You know we just got out of a war and now because of this one man, were going to go back in one. I will be honest, I am really nervous and scared to see the outcome of this event. This is just wrong. It shouldn't be happening. At all. He wants to make a point and prove something to the world but there are many other ways you can say what you want without this. Just about every news channel is showing and talking about this bacuse everyone should be aware of their surroundings. "A world you don't know about yet, is a world you need to live in" well thats how I would say it.