Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Nephews

So well I was thinking about what to write for this essay, I had some ideas but well lets just say I threw everything on my mind out the window and just thought about the most important thing to me. Which would be my nephews. So that is what I am going to write about since I have no idea what else I could write about. So lets start with, I have 2 nephews, my only nephews, both from my sister. my oldest nephew is Steven he is 11 and my youngest nephew Joshua, he is 2. Those boys are my life. I guess you could say they are like my brothers, sometimes even like my kids, because we are so close. They used to live with us but my sister and her boyfriend, and them moved out a few months ago. Which was kind of happy and sad at the same time. Even though they only live like 3 minutes away.

You know when they used to live with me I was counting the days till they would be gone because they are soooooo annoying. But now that they are I wish they never left. My older nephew Steven is the kind of guy who acts like a big brother. He looks in my phone for boys numbers. He always has to know what I'm doing or where I'm going at all times. He even gives me lectures like my dad. But trust me he acts his age because he is a brat. He loves to torture me and of course embarrass me, one day at the mall this lady came up to me and asked me how old is your son ? I was like WHAT?? Do I look that old. He's 11. Gosh And Steven just laughed and now he reminds me of it all the time. He drives me nuts.

He's not perfect, he has his fair share of troubles. HE knows everything about me and I know everything about him. Almost everything.. He is like my diary because we have our little secrets that no one knows, we threaten each other with them too. But nothing a pinkie promise couldn't fix. However, he is the smartest kid I know, he might even be smarter than me. Me and him always find ourselves getting in trouble together, especially in public. We make messes together but we still manage to blame each other. For EVERYTHING. I would do anything for him. He is always coming to me for advice and I am willing to give it to him. The kid has more problems than I do. Not really. Me and him stick together, he wants to follow in my footsteps. It's always us against the world and that's how it's always going to be. But don't let this essay fool you because we also fight a lot. It's only normal that I want to beat him all the time and that he is always bugging me.

Now about my nephew Joshua, he may be only be 2 but he is just as bad. We laugh about how he is going to be the trouble maker because he is tough, and he is a little mini bully. He beats everyone up. But for some reason he is so close to me. Hew new. Haha. When he was tinier than he is now he used to call me Mom because I pretty much act liked it the whole entire time. One day at walmart he was crying and screaming because he wanted to get out of the basket and he was all "mama, mommy" screaming that the whole time. Everyone was looking at me like gosh that's her son, she is so young. Teenagers these days. It was sooo embarrassing. See he even starting driving me crazy at a young age. And one day we will tell him that story and I gurantee you he will hold it against me. My family still does. Don't get me wrong my sister is an amazing mom but he just gets us confused. Because sometimes she has to be the bad guy and I am always the one he goes to after that. I find myself always babying him, even when I shouldn't. I am like that with both my nephews. I am always defending them and standing up for them. When they get in trouble, or they get yelled at, who do they run to? Yup, me! My sister always tells me that they need to learn responsibilities and that I need to stop protecting them. But that is like asking me to make my heart stop beating, Wont ever happen till the day I die. When my nephew cries I am the on to wipe their tears away, tell off whoever pissed off Steven, or hug my baby nephew when he is hurt. Josh may be barley learning to talk, and Steven may make me wish he never knew how to talk, but they will rule the world, they already started with mine.

My sister and her boyfriend always talks about having another baby. My brother and his girlfriend do too. Ummm well I'm not sure I want another little nephew or maybe niece running to me. That's all my family talks about, how amazing and interesting it is that they are both so close to me. I think my sister even gets a little jealous. But they're not just close to me, I'm close to them. They're the most important boys, almost guys, and soon to be men in my life. They are my life. And I'm sure as they grow they will still always be bugging me, interrogating the boys I date, get me in trouble, embarass me, hold everthing against me, and never leave me alone. But I don't mind because that means they will always be by my side. And I will never stop protecting them from everything and everyone but myself. :] So I thank my sister everyday for bringing them in my life.