To me the moral of this story is that honesty is the best policy. You have to be honest with yourself and with the people around you becuase if you base your life off lies then you will never get anywhere. If she would of just told the truth in the first place then she would of never had to live the rest of her life so miserably. Lying just does not gwet you anywhere and she realized that when the truth slapped her in the face ten long years later.
She spent her life trying to work off a misatke she made a long time ago but only if she would have been honest, she could been so happy and never had forgotten abnout that most amazing night she had before she lost that prized jewel. sometimes you think that a little fib wont hurt anyone or do any serious damage. However, she told a little fib and tried to fix it with another little fib and thought she could go along with it and her friend would never know but she is the one that got back fired by her own lie.
It seemed as though she lived a very long and miserable life. The reason for that is because she lived the rest of her life as a lie and that just ruined it. There is just that guilt that builds up with time and that is exactly what happened with her. Living a life like that just is not worth it because if you think about it, one lie is not worth a lifetime of misery. I do get it though because I don't think I would be able to look at someone in the face and tell them I destroyed their private property but I don't think I would drag it on to that extent. 10 years is not right.
Honesty is the best policy and I don't know how much I have heard that but reading this story it is true. All could have been well if she would have been honest and said the truth out loud. Then she would have known that she spent the last decade of her life working off a mistake she never really made. Things can always be better when the truth comes out and slaps you in the face. It's a reality check for some people as it was for her.
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