To be honest I could write a whole story about what I would say to the principle and the school board about this but the truth is once I would get in front of all of them I would probably go blank and a little scared. However, I have a lot to say about this because I can just imagine how angry I would be if this was actually about to happen.
Before you even start an argument or debate about something you have to plan it all out. Figure out what your going to say, what examples you will use, stuff like that because you cant just go up there in front of important people and pull a great argument out of your Ass. No offense. I would state that it's wrong in so many ways because we have had already so much taken away from us and not letting us wear what we want to would just make situations worse for everyone. I mean come on what high school do you know wears uniforms. Well public schools anyways. Everyone here, principle, assistant principles, staff, security guards, think dress code here is already bad. That we dress inappropriate now. Could you imagine if they in forced a uniform dress code here. It would be even worse.
Those are some examples I would state. Also that if kids are already breaking school dress code now then you know they wont follow the uniform part of it. Teenagers break rules, it's juts apart of who we are for some strange reason and when we are told to do something, we end up doing the exact opposite. I would also ask if maybe we could come to some kind of agreement. Somewhere in the middle, the students and school board. I know that no matter what anyone would say, we would not be listen to anyway because were only the kids. We have no say in what happens around here most of the time. Which isn't right.
I would definitely show the pros and con's of uniforms. How they would effect us in positive ways and negative ways. It wouldn't be fair for everyone because not everyone dresses bad. Not everyone breaks dress code so why should all of us pay for other's mistakes? A lot of students here already don't like it here and if uniforms were in forced then I know for a fact that AHA would lose a lot of kids. No one will put up with it. I can't speak for anyone else but I know I wouldn't. You would have to put up a good fight to win this battle. I would also have other students give their opinion. Even parents, community members. Anyone who agree with me.
"How is it fair that we come to school everyday, do our work, get an education, try our hardest and have no say in anything we do around here? What we where should be our decision. It shows who we are. We each are, our own person and that should never be taken away from us. We are who we are. You can't make us hide the real us under these uniforms!" That is something I would say. I would have to get really into what I am saying because maybe showing emotion and holding nothing back would be helpful. I am a stubborn person and my parents say I would make a great lawyer and I will put all that to good use in that meeting. It would take more than one person to win this fight. If you really want something to happen then you have to do it yourself.
"We went through pretty much our whole lives in uniforms. Elementary school, middle school, and I remember how excited I was to come to high school and FINALLY be free of them. Be able to wear what you want but still be modest about it. Every summer before school starts getting to be able to go shopping for new outfits and wanting to put new things together. I mean for the guys it's whatever but girls and clothes are a perfect match. Guys still are too even though they don't show it in the way we do. It matters to us just as much as our education does. You can't take it away from us." That would also be stated in my speech! I am pretty sure that bullying has a lot to do with dress code because they are always talking about how people get taunted and made fun of because of how they dress or what they wear but the truth is that it has nothing to do with those people wear. You can get bullied for anything and clothes have nothing to do with it. Maybe the way some people wear their clothes but uniforms wont solve this problem.
If this was really going to happen and students knew about it, I have a feeling that they would straighten up fast. They would really clean their act up and start following the rules like they should be in the first place. However, if you think about it, our school is not as bad in dress code as other high schools around here. The board should know that too because it's true. We dress A lot better than A lot of public schools. Believe it or not.
Before you even start an argument or debate about something you have to plan it all out. Figure out what your going to say, what examples you will use, stuff like that because you cant just go up there in front of important people and pull a great argument out of your Ass. No offense. I would state that it's wrong in so many ways because we have had already so much taken away from us and not letting us wear what we want to would just make situations worse for everyone. I mean come on what high school do you know wears uniforms. Well public schools anyways. Everyone here, principle, assistant principles, staff, security guards, think dress code here is already bad. That we dress inappropriate now. Could you imagine if they in forced a uniform dress code here. It would be even worse.
Those are some examples I would state. Also that if kids are already breaking school dress code now then you know they wont follow the uniform part of it. Teenagers break rules, it's juts apart of who we are for some strange reason and when we are told to do something, we end up doing the exact opposite. I would also ask if maybe we could come to some kind of agreement. Somewhere in the middle, the students and school board. I know that no matter what anyone would say, we would not be listen to anyway because were only the kids. We have no say in what happens around here most of the time. Which isn't right.
I would definitely show the pros and con's of uniforms. How they would effect us in positive ways and negative ways. It wouldn't be fair for everyone because not everyone dresses bad. Not everyone breaks dress code so why should all of us pay for other's mistakes? A lot of students here already don't like it here and if uniforms were in forced then I know for a fact that AHA would lose a lot of kids. No one will put up with it. I can't speak for anyone else but I know I wouldn't. You would have to put up a good fight to win this battle. I would also have other students give their opinion. Even parents, community members. Anyone who agree with me.
"How is it fair that we come to school everyday, do our work, get an education, try our hardest and have no say in anything we do around here? What we where should be our decision. It shows who we are. We each are, our own person and that should never be taken away from us. We are who we are. You can't make us hide the real us under these uniforms!" That is something I would say. I would have to get really into what I am saying because maybe showing emotion and holding nothing back would be helpful. I am a stubborn person and my parents say I would make a great lawyer and I will put all that to good use in that meeting. It would take more than one person to win this fight. If you really want something to happen then you have to do it yourself.
"We went through pretty much our whole lives in uniforms. Elementary school, middle school, and I remember how excited I was to come to high school and FINALLY be free of them. Be able to wear what you want but still be modest about it. Every summer before school starts getting to be able to go shopping for new outfits and wanting to put new things together. I mean for the guys it's whatever but girls and clothes are a perfect match. Guys still are too even though they don't show it in the way we do. It matters to us just as much as our education does. You can't take it away from us." That would also be stated in my speech! I am pretty sure that bullying has a lot to do with dress code because they are always talking about how people get taunted and made fun of because of how they dress or what they wear but the truth is that it has nothing to do with those people wear. You can get bullied for anything and clothes have nothing to do with it. Maybe the way some people wear their clothes but uniforms wont solve this problem.
If this was really going to happen and students knew about it, I have a feeling that they would straighten up fast. They would really clean their act up and start following the rules like they should be in the first place. However, if you think about it, our school is not as bad in dress code as other high schools around here. The board should know that too because it's true. We dress A lot better than A lot of public schools. Believe it or not.
Hopefully I will never have to say any of this!
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