Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Assignment #18.. My Poem

I want it to be inconvenient. 
I want to sacrifice my life for it.
I want the kind of love that wakes me up at 3 am. 
I want love that hurts, love that I have to work for. 
I want love that tests me. 
I want the kind of love that is hard to find, and hard to keep. 
Love that is never easy. 
I want it to make me cry. 
Love that will give me emotion. 
I want the kind of love that hurts and that gives me the worst kind of pain.
I want to hold on to it even if it takes me through my worst nightmare. 
I want the kind of love that scares me, that brings out my darkest fears. 
I want love that I can't walk away from. 
Love that may kill me, I want it. 
I want love that makes me scream! 
I want love that will break my heart. Then put it back together.
I want love that will make me feel anything but human.  
But most of all, I want love that is worth it. 
I want love.