Friday, March 26, 2010

My Family History

Well i guess you can say my family is not that exciting, I mean nothing really happened in my family history, and if there was then it probably happened too far back that no one can remember. However, to say the least my family has always had this thing where my mom and all of her sisters were married by the age of 16. Of course it was never the boys that had this expectation. my grandma and grandpa made sure they were all married before they even graduated from high school and if possible, pregnant also. Which my mom was pregnant with my sister. It happened the same way too with my grandparents and there parents and so forth. It has always been that way since the very beginning of our family.

They didn't exactly choose the guy they wanted them to marry they just kind of had to approve them. They had no choice, I mean they were all happy but I guess some of them kind of wished that they hadn't been so rushed into it. When asking my grandmother why it has always been that way she said that they wanted my mom and my aunties to start their lives young and she just wanted to prepare them for life.

Of course some of the marriages in my family didn't last, most did like my grandparents, they were married since they were sixteen up until my grandpa passed away a little after I was born so I would say about 50 years. Of course the tradition has changed now because my dad says there is no way me and my sister are going to get married at sixteen, which is how old I am now. Which I guess is kind of good because I am not ready to have a husband.. But I am sure that, that tradition will go on for many, many more years depending on the parents. My mom says that she was happy that her parents made her marry my dad but she wished she could of waited. Which is what they both want me to do, they say it should be my decision on when I want to get married and start a family. They say it is when my heart tells me it is time is when it's time, and that is the only thing I should listen to.