Monday, March 29, 2010

The Time Machine

If I were able to invent a time machine I wouldn't go back in time to the past. I would fly my way to the future because the future is a lot more appealing to me than the past. To be honest I don't really care what happened when I wasn't around, all I want to know is what is going to happen in the future when I'm still around. Even though it would the best chance in a lifetime to go back to the past and start over, I think I rather keep going with my life and just move forward. Which is why I chose the future. It would answer so many of the questions being asked.

A specific time I would go to first would probably be 2012 of course, just to answer the really big question, is the world going to end? I guess I would want to know the real answer, and what better to go find out for myself. I would also want to know if i made to my graduation haha. I know it is only two years from now but hey if you think about it, a lot can happen in two years.

After that interesting trip to 2012 I would then go even further into the future to see how much the world has grown. I mean there are so many questions people, including myself have about it and I would just want to go and figure it all out. I would want to see all the new inventions that have been created, I would want to see how I have changed and grown. But then again to think about if the world ever does end then I guess there would be nothing to go to after my first trip, even though I doubt it is.

I just would want to cure my curiosity and finally get some answers. I would want to see id everything i did in my past affected my future somehow. So when going back to my time, I would know what to expect. You see all these movies about the future, about how it is going to be and that just makes you think even harder about what it's really going to be like. Wouldn't it just be nice to see it all for yourself. I mean in history class all you hear about is the past, and about what happened 100 years ago. Well what I don't get is why they never discuss what is going to happen 100 years from now. Isn't it just as important to know what life were going to as it is to what life were coming from?

To say the least I would just want to know what the future is really and truly going to be like. I just want some answers. Maybe I should just wait and see, maybe I wouldn't want to know, maybe once I'm there I will regret finding out, and once I'm back I will regret wanting to know. But then i think where is the fun in that. If I had the time machine to do it all then why not, I mean it would practically be screaming my name to use it, and take the opportunity of a lifetime. I;m not sure if I would like what I'm going to find out in the future but I think knowing is a lot better than not knowing.