Monday, May 10, 2010

Wisdom Quote..

“Be happy. It's one way of being wise.”

I guess you could say this is what I want people to remember even when one day I'm gone. Being happy is the key to everything in your life. It's a choice you must make for yourself to be happy. It's a wise choice. You have to want to be happy in everything you do because it wont happen on its own. If that is what you choose then you have made a wise decision as they say. If you think about it I don't think you really want to leave this world unhappy. SO why not leave it happy.

Being wise could mean many things. There are many ways to be a wise person. And I believe one of those reasons of being wise is to just be happy. Be yourself. I believe strongly in this quote I wrote because I am a genially happy person. I guess that makes me wise. Having wisdom makes you a strong person. Your powerful in your way. The knowledge you build up inside of you makes you wise and choosing to be happy makes you wise, makes you smart. You have to learn how to control your mind and enlighten yourself.

Intelligence is also a big part of the wisdom to gain. You have to be happy in life. It's one way of succeeding. When you can hear your beat, then your happy. If you think about it being happy solves everything. They always say to find the key to happiness but you are the key. Your the only one that can choose to be something. It's no one Else's decision. being happy will take you long way in life. I don't know about you but I have had a lot of great memories in life when I was happy, and I am looking foward to having a lot more before these words will be the last words people here from me. So remember be happy, and if your not happy, make yourself happy. If you can't then try again because it will takr you far in life. You will be wise.