Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Assignment #18.. My Poem

I want it to be inconvenient. 
I want to sacrifice my life for it.
I want the kind of love that wakes me up at 3 am. 
I want love that hurts, love that I have to work for. 
I want love that tests me. 
I want the kind of love that is hard to find, and hard to keep. 
Love that is never easy. 
I want it to make me cry. 
Love that will give me emotion. 
I want the kind of love that hurts and that gives me the worst kind of pain.
I want to hold on to it even if it takes me through my worst nightmare. 
I want the kind of love that scares me, that brings out my darkest fears. 
I want love that I can't walk away from. 
Love that may kill me, I want it. 
I want love that makes me scream! 
I want love that will break my heart. Then put it back together.
I want love that will make me feel anything but human.  
But most of all, I want love that is worth it. 
I want love. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Assignment # 16.. The Journey

It's morning, I can see the sun shining through the window seal. I'm just laying here on the wooden floor in the middle of the upstairs den, staring up at the ceiling fan hanging from above. Every part of this cabin has windows. Large, tall, glass windows. Start from ceiling all the way down to the floor. As I walk down stairs, the floors creek. There are caught deer and buffalo hanging on the walls as f someone could be proud of that. Hunting tools take up space. The refrigerator is stocked with food. The kitchen is new. The cabin smells like cinnamon rolls and burnt fire wood, from the fire place. Reminds me my grandmother's house. The furniture has spills on it. The couch is smashed in, it's been used to much. There are bedrooms upstairs as well but I just couldn't go look in them. It was a warm place. Big brown doors with the key locks down the whole right side. The bathroom has a set up like a fancy hotel. Very pleasant. 

I finally worked up the nerve to open those big french doors, and walk outside. So I did. It's foggy. I feel like I am floating. There is a long path. A very open, wide meadow. A goldish color. All grass. Trees. Smells like rain. The open road is on the other side of this huge meadow. I must walk through in order to find my way. So I do. I walk, take a few steps and find a deer standing there staring at me, waiting for me to pull out a gun or something. I can't see my feet, therefore I cannot see where I am going. This has such a forest atmosphere to it. I feel like I am in a movie. I keep walking. I hear birds chirping. I hear running, I don't know what it is or who it is! It seems to be getting closer, closer, and closer. I run, I keep running like there is no tomorrow. I tripped over a branch, landed on a rock. That rock saved my life. The footsteps disappeared. The noises stopped. It must have been an animal, I think. It has to be. everything is wet as if it had been raining all night. It's very dark and grey out here. The only life that exists is wildlife. Of all living things. even me. 

I finally passed over to the other side. I saw open road then, now all I see is a huge mountain. It's calling my name. It has everything I need up there. Looks like an adventure, a challenge. I want to get up there. Now. Fast. So I start walking towards it. Everything looks small compared to this. I say a prayer and climb it. I go up. Higher and higher. I tell myself to not look down. I look up instead and I see faces of family members, friends. Taunting me. I know that the high altitude is just playing tricks on me. I see them and I want to be with them. They tell me they want me to go with them so I climb faster. I keep saying over and over again that this is a dream and that I wont die. It's not possible. So I climb faster, harder until I can't go anymore. Almost there, I made it! The mountain has this sort of blue color to it. The fog hides the truth of it all. 

Once I get up there I can't help but now look down. Or look up. It's all there. It smells fresh up here. If I stick my hand out I can touch the clouds. Almost reach the sky. I feel empowered up here. No one s here. I am all alone, even though on my way up here I was promised company. It's so quiet. Everything living is down there in the real world. It's just me up here. I hate the quiet because it screams the truth. This is so relaxing. I would stay up here all day if I could. I was thirsty so I pictured a big glass of water, and there it was, right in front of me. I was hungry so I pictured what I wanted and there it was. It was like a fantasy land. Everything was different. Forget what I said before, I love it here. I felt like I was in the middle of a cotton ball field. It was raining softness throughout the whole top of the mountain. Whatever I wanted, it was there, with a blink of my eye. No one else new about this place but me. All because I woke up in a cabin that I still have no idea how I got there but it may have been the most greatest thing that ever happened in a long time. 

Once you cross the invisible line once you make it up that mountain, it just fulfills you with such happiness. I don't remember anything but right now. It's all here. I hear noises and when I look to my right, all of the animals that were once down there, are now with me. It's like a community meeting up here. They have come to join me. I am not alone anymore. I can make anything happen up here. It's all mine. I feel calm, soft, such gentleness. I think about something that I want so bad! Something I can't wait to have! THEN I wake up!! Just a dream! All well!  

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Assignment #14.. Persuasive Essay: Uniforms

To be honest I could write a whole story about what I would say to the principle and the school board about this but the truth is once I would get in front of all of them I would probably go blank and a little scared. However, I have a lot to say about this because I can just imagine how angry I would be if this was actually about to happen.

Before you even start an argument or debate about something you have to plan it all out. Figure out what your going to say, what examples you will use, stuff like that because you cant just go up there in front of important people and pull a great argument out of your Ass. No offense. I would state that it's wrong in so many ways because we have had already so much taken away from us and not letting us wear what we want to would just make situations worse for everyone. I mean come on what high school do you know wears uniforms. Well public schools anyways. Everyone here, principle, assistant principles, staff, security guards, think dress code here is already bad. That we dress inappropriate now. Could you imagine if they in forced a uniform dress code here. It would be even worse.

Those are some examples I would state. Also that if kids are already breaking school dress code now then you know they wont follow the uniform part of it. Teenagers break rules, it's juts apart of who we are for some strange reason and when we are told to do something, we end up doing the exact opposite. I would also ask if maybe we could come to some kind of agreement. Somewhere in the middle, the students and school board. I know that no matter what anyone would say, we would not be listen to anyway because were only the kids. We have no say in what happens around here most of the time. Which isn't right.

I would definitely show the pros and con's of uniforms. How they would effect us in positive ways and negative ways. It wouldn't be fair for everyone because not everyone dresses bad. Not everyone breaks dress code so why should all of us pay for other's mistakes? A lot of students here already don't like it here and if uniforms were in forced then I know for a fact that AHA would lose a lot of kids. No one will put up with it. I can't speak for anyone else but I know I wouldn't. You would have to put up a good fight to win this battle. I would also have other students give their opinion. Even parents, community members. Anyone who agree with me.

"How is it fair that we come to school everyday, do our work, get an education, try our hardest and have no say in anything we do around here? What we where should be our decision. It shows who we are. We each are, our own person and that should never be taken away from us. We are who we are. You can't make us hide the real us under these uniforms!" That is something I would say. I would have to get really into what I am saying because maybe showing emotion and holding nothing back would be helpful. I am a stubborn person and my parents say I would make a great lawyer and I will put all that to good use in that meeting. It would take more than one person to win this fight. If you really want something to happen then you have to do it yourself.

"We went through pretty much our whole lives in uniforms. Elementary school, middle school, and I remember how excited I was to come to high school and FINALLY be free of them. Be able to wear what you want but still be modest about it. Every summer before school starts getting to be able to go shopping for new outfits and wanting to put new things together. I mean for the guys it's whatever but girls and clothes are a perfect match. Guys still are too even though they don't show it in the way we do. It matters to us just as much as our education does. You can't take it away from us." That would also be stated in my speech! I am pretty sure that bullying has a lot to do with dress code because they are always talking about how people get taunted and made fun of because of how they dress or what they wear but the truth is that it has nothing to do with those people wear. You can get bullied for anything and clothes have nothing to do with it. Maybe the way some people wear their clothes but uniforms wont solve this problem.

If this was really going to happen and students knew about it, I have a feeling that they would straighten up fast. They would really clean their act up and start following the rules like they should be in the first place. However, if you think about it, our school is not as bad in dress code as other high schools around here. The board should know that too because it's true. We dress A lot better than A lot of public schools. Believe it or not.
Hopefully I will never have to say any of this!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Assigment #11.. The Concrete Rose

What I think about this poem that Tupac wrote is, nothing. I mean to be honest I really don't think he had a point in this at all. He is or should I say was a great rapper so that was obviously just a very good line in a song. There of course probably is a meaning in it but then again I guess we will never know.

I think he was talking about his own dreams. You have to fight for something that is real and worth it, and that is exactly what he did. You can't give up on what you want to happen because you are the only person who can make it happen. I have a feeling that no one believed in him and his dreams except for him and looked what happened. He made it. There is this theory that if you don't have feet then you can't walk but the concrete rose he is speaking of did. You have to find your own path on only listen to your heart. You can't expect no one else to do the work for you or to get you where you want to be. You have to do it yourself. Depend on nothing and no one except you.

Have you ever heard people tell you "When you fall ,you need to back up"? Well that is exactly what he trying to say because you are always going to fall, when trying to reach where you want to be, and there is no guarantee that someone will be there to catch you. You can't stay down and give up. You have to try and try until it hurts and get back up. Even if you get a few bumps and bruises, even a couple scratches on the way. It's all part of the game! Tupac was one of the best artist the world had ever seen and his life ended so quickly but in the time he was here, he made it. He didn't give up or stop fighting for what he believed in. I didn't know him personally of course but i knew of him very well. He made a difference. His name is still mentioned to this day, that's a true long living hero.

" Funny it seems, but by keeping it;s dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air." One of the lines in that poem. He is pretty serious about this whole dream thing. You can't sop dreaming. Even if your dreams aren't good enough for anyone else. If they are good enough for you then they are perfect. Dreaming is ok. Now, what you do with those dreams is where you will go in life. I am not saying it will be easy because nothing comes easy but it's amazing how far hard work will take you. I may not be an expert about all this but I dream. Sometimes small. Sometimes big. We all do. Life is too short to not care. And he knows that no one believed in what he could do. He states that in this poem, but he did it anyway. '' Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared." It only matters if you care. The rest will just come along.

As I stated in my first paragraph, no matter how much we read this poem we will never truly understand what he meant by those words. What we are doing is speaking our words, sharing our voices. In the end no one Else's opinion matters. Just like ours wont make difference in this story but it's okay because we spoke and now it's only a matter of who will here us.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Assignment #13.. Halloween Haiku

Halloween Night is a night where every body's fears come alive.

Now make sure not to scream because it's All Hallows Eve and all is near.

So please don't cry, don't have a fit, the evil isn't real unless you think about it!!!!

Assignment #10.. Bullying


Monday, October 11, 2010

Assigment #8 "The Necklace"

To me the moral of this story is that honesty is the best policy. You have to be honest with yourself and with the people around you becuase if you base your life off lies then you will never get anywhere. If she would of just told the truth in the first place then she would of never had to live the rest of her life so miserably. Lying just does not gwet you anywhere and she realized that when the truth slapped her in the face ten long years later.

She spent her life trying to work off a misatke she made a long time ago but only if she would have been honest, she could been so happy and never had forgotten abnout that most amazing night she had before she lost that prized jewel. sometimes you think that a little fib wont hurt anyone or do any serious damage. However, she told a little fib and tried to fix it with another little fib and thought she could go along with it and her friend would never know but she is the one that got back fired by her own lie.

It seemed as though she lived a very long and miserable life. The reason for that is because she lived the rest of her life as a lie and that just ruined it. There is just that guilt that builds up with time and that is exactly what happened with her. Living a life like that just is not worth it because if you think about it, one lie is not worth a lifetime of misery. I do get it though because I don't think I would be able to look at someone in the face and tell them I destroyed their private property but I don't think I would drag it on to that extent. 10 years is not right.

Honesty is the best policy and I don't know how much I have heard that but reading this story it is true. All could have been well if she would have been honest and said the truth out loud. Then she would have known that she spent the last decade of her life working off a mistake she never really made. Things can always be better when the truth comes out and slaps you in the face. It's a reality check for some people as it was for her.