Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Assignment #18.. My Poem
Posted by Janessa at 6:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
Assignment # 16.. The Journey
Posted by Janessa at 7:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Assignment #14.. Persuasive Essay: Uniforms
Before you even start an argument or debate about something you have to plan it all out. Figure out what your going to say, what examples you will use, stuff like that because you cant just go up there in front of important people and pull a great argument out of your Ass. No offense. I would state that it's wrong in so many ways because we have had already so much taken away from us and not letting us wear what we want to would just make situations worse for everyone. I mean come on what high school do you know wears uniforms. Well public schools anyways. Everyone here, principle, assistant principles, staff, security guards, think dress code here is already bad. That we dress inappropriate now. Could you imagine if they in forced a uniform dress code here. It would be even worse.
Those are some examples I would state. Also that if kids are already breaking school dress code now then you know they wont follow the uniform part of it. Teenagers break rules, it's juts apart of who we are for some strange reason and when we are told to do something, we end up doing the exact opposite. I would also ask if maybe we could come to some kind of agreement. Somewhere in the middle, the students and school board. I know that no matter what anyone would say, we would not be listen to anyway because were only the kids. We have no say in what happens around here most of the time. Which isn't right.
I would definitely show the pros and con's of uniforms. How they would effect us in positive ways and negative ways. It wouldn't be fair for everyone because not everyone dresses bad. Not everyone breaks dress code so why should all of us pay for other's mistakes? A lot of students here already don't like it here and if uniforms were in forced then I know for a fact that AHA would lose a lot of kids. No one will put up with it. I can't speak for anyone else but I know I wouldn't. You would have to put up a good fight to win this battle. I would also have other students give their opinion. Even parents, community members. Anyone who agree with me.
"How is it fair that we come to school everyday, do our work, get an education, try our hardest and have no say in anything we do around here? What we where should be our decision. It shows who we are. We each are, our own person and that should never be taken away from us. We are who we are. You can't make us hide the real us under these uniforms!" That is something I would say. I would have to get really into what I am saying because maybe showing emotion and holding nothing back would be helpful. I am a stubborn person and my parents say I would make a great lawyer and I will put all that to good use in that meeting. It would take more than one person to win this fight. If you really want something to happen then you have to do it yourself.
"We went through pretty much our whole lives in uniforms. Elementary school, middle school, and I remember how excited I was to come to high school and FINALLY be free of them. Be able to wear what you want but still be modest about it. Every summer before school starts getting to be able to go shopping for new outfits and wanting to put new things together. I mean for the guys it's whatever but girls and clothes are a perfect match. Guys still are too even though they don't show it in the way we do. It matters to us just as much as our education does. You can't take it away from us." That would also be stated in my speech! I am pretty sure that bullying has a lot to do with dress code because they are always talking about how people get taunted and made fun of because of how they dress or what they wear but the truth is that it has nothing to do with those people wear. You can get bullied for anything and clothes have nothing to do with it. Maybe the way some people wear their clothes but uniforms wont solve this problem.
If this was really going to happen and students knew about it, I have a feeling that they would straighten up fast. They would really clean their act up and start following the rules like they should be in the first place. However, if you think about it, our school is not as bad in dress code as other high schools around here. The board should know that too because it's true. We dress A lot better than A lot of public schools. Believe it or not.
Posted by Janessa at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 29, 2010
Assigment #11.. The Concrete Rose
I think he was talking about his own dreams. You have to fight for something that is real and worth it, and that is exactly what he did. You can't give up on what you want to happen because you are the only person who can make it happen. I have a feeling that no one believed in him and his dreams except for him and looked what happened. He made it. There is this theory that if you don't have feet then you can't walk but the concrete rose he is speaking of did. You have to find your own path on only listen to your heart. You can't expect no one else to do the work for you or to get you where you want to be. You have to do it yourself. Depend on nothing and no one except you.
Have you ever heard people tell you "When you fall ,you need to back up"? Well that is exactly what he trying to say because you are always going to fall, when trying to reach where you want to be, and there is no guarantee that someone will be there to catch you. You can't stay down and give up. You have to try and try until it hurts and get back up. Even if you get a few bumps and bruises, even a couple scratches on the way. It's all part of the game! Tupac was one of the best artist the world had ever seen and his life ended so quickly but in the time he was here, he made it. He didn't give up or stop fighting for what he believed in. I didn't know him personally of course but i knew of him very well. He made a difference. His name is still mentioned to this day, that's a true long living hero.
" Funny it seems, but by keeping it;s dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air." One of the lines in that poem. He is pretty serious about this whole dream thing. You can't sop dreaming. Even if your dreams aren't good enough for anyone else. If they are good enough for you then they are perfect. Dreaming is ok. Now, what you do with those dreams is where you will go in life. I am not saying it will be easy because nothing comes easy but it's amazing how far hard work will take you. I may not be an expert about all this but I dream. Sometimes small. Sometimes big. We all do. Life is too short to not care. And he knows that no one believed in what he could do. He states that in this poem, but he did it anyway. '' Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared." It only matters if you care. The rest will just come along.
As I stated in my first paragraph, no matter how much we read this poem we will never truly understand what he meant by those words. What we are doing is speaking our words, sharing our voices. In the end no one Else's opinion matters. Just like ours wont make difference in this story but it's okay because we spoke and now it's only a matter of who will here us.
Posted by Janessa at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Assignment #13.. Halloween Haiku
Posted by Janessa at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 11, 2010
Assigment #8 "The Necklace"
To me the moral of this story is that honesty is the best policy. You have to be honest with yourself and with the people around you becuase if you base your life off lies then you will never get anywhere. If she would of just told the truth in the first place then she would of never had to live the rest of her life so miserably. Lying just does not gwet you anywhere and she realized that when the truth slapped her in the face ten long years later.
She spent her life trying to work off a misatke she made a long time ago but only if she would have been honest, she could been so happy and never had forgotten abnout that most amazing night she had before she lost that prized jewel. sometimes you think that a little fib wont hurt anyone or do any serious damage. However, she told a little fib and tried to fix it with another little fib and thought she could go along with it and her friend would never know but she is the one that got back fired by her own lie.
It seemed as though she lived a very long and miserable life. The reason for that is because she lived the rest of her life as a lie and that just ruined it. There is just that guilt that builds up with time and that is exactly what happened with her. Living a life like that just is not worth it because if you think about it, one lie is not worth a lifetime of misery. I do get it though because I don't think I would be able to look at someone in the face and tell them I destroyed their private property but I don't think I would drag it on to that extent. 10 years is not right.
Honesty is the best policy and I don't know how much I have heard that but reading this story it is true. All could have been well if she would have been honest and said the truth out loud. Then she would have known that she spent the last decade of her life working off a mistake she never really made. Things can always be better when the truth comes out and slaps you in the face. It's a reality check for some people as it was for her.
Posted by Janessa at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Assigment #7 Self-Value
I think that this quote is very much true. The reason for this is because how can you expect for other people to love you if you can not even love yourself. Jealousy is all in your head. You just make yourself believe that other people will be loved more than you because you have not fully excepted the love within yourself. Many people say jealousy is a disease. I have never really believed that myself because to me, jealousy is loves mean older cousin.You can make it go away if you wanted it to.
You always wonder why you can never seem to make a relationship work. The jealousy is why. The person you may have thought didn't love you enough or love you at all probably did. You just probably thought it was a mistake and that it wasn't somehow right for that person to love you because you have never really loved yourself in a way that other people should. That is what this person is saying in this quote.
Another point the author of this has made is that "Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value." I seem to agree with this because if you are scared of jealousy then it is all a fear. The fear that you don't have value as stated above. Have you ever heard the saying "Treat others the way you want to be treated"? Well now think of that saying the other way around. "Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you". That makes sense right? You cannot expect others to feel something for you that you can't seem to feel for yourself.
Jealousy is a killer I'll tell you that. Everyone has a bit of jealousy inside of them. Whether we like to admit it or not. But you should never let that take you over. I think sometimes you need to just focus on finding yourself and learning to trust your own being. Envy is one of the 7 deadly sins and jealousy falls right under that category which makes it even less right. Thinking that others are better than you and they will always have something you want isn't right because it isn't always true. If that is all you think then you will never fully except yourself for who you are.
Jealous people will never get anywhere in life, they will find themselves just having the same problem over and over again. You need to learn to love yourself before you can expect someone else to love you. You have to stop looking for things to be jealous of in other people and except yourself within. Jennifer James made a good point in this quotation and I'm sure anyone who reads and reflects on it will realize who they are and do something about it.
Posted by Janessa at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
"I dream a world."
He wants to start the peace. The picture I have above shows what Hughes is writing about. If only it would happen now. He is man that is saying what every man should be saying. To me it does not matter what color lays upon your skin because we are all the same. We are all to blame for our mistakes. No one is perfect. This lifetime isn't perfect. And the world we live in sure as hell is not close to perfect. And most of us could possibly try to fix it just by ignoring what race we are or what church we attend. He's dreaming of a world that doesn't exist but is desperately trying to be made.
You wake up every morning and wonder what will come next. We are doing better than we have done anytime before us. Back then whites and blacks weren't even allowed to be in the same room together to knowing we don't have to be apart. Though it hasn't fully transformed from that last world yet. There are very few people who still look at my skin and suddenly think that everything is come handed to me. That my life is so perfect. Little do they know, that will never be true for everyone.
The Sun comes up every morning but it still makes me wonder, will the sun go down at the end of it all. He is begging and pleading for peace in this world. Only you wouldn't know that unless you read between the lines. We all want what he wants, we just don't have the guts to write about it and share it with the world. When will it all stop? When will people stop caring about what we look like?
I wonder sometimes how far this will go on. Will they push it to the point where their will be a hardcore war, blacks against whites? Then again aren't we already fighting that war? Haven't we been since the beginning of time? What side are you on? That's what Langston Hughes is trying to spell out for us.
Posted by Janessa at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Cultural Underpinnings of Literature
We really have been talked to about this a lot. I never fully understood why we were taught this because to me it never really made sense to me. What you believe really shapes who you are and what you do. It really shows how you are treated. For example, after the 9/11 attacks that happened, now the whole Islamic culture is hated. Though, it wasn't all their faults, people seem to blame them all. Why? Because they are Muslim and they are to blame. The religion they are and who they will become, will never be the same after what happened. That's the point of this. Apparently the religion we are, shows who we will soon become.
Religion has definitely shaped the political world around us for a very, very long time. For instance now. Barrack Obama is black. He is Muslim. To the world he is the black, Muslim, president of the United States. That's all people see. He is either liked or not. Same thing with Governor, Bill Richardson. When he was in the running for president, few people were opposed to it because he was Hispanic. We will never know if that is the real reason to why he eventually dropped out of the race. In November, every few years or even every year, if you turn to any news channel, all you will see is a bunch of white old guys standing on stage making their speeches. And this is exactly why people "feel right about the white," because they feel safe if suddenly their president has white colored skin. That is how it has been since the beginning of time. Not that they weren't good presidents it's just that it was time for a change. Obama is that change. People, not all people, but people wont ever except that.
Posted by Janessa at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 10, 2010
Race In America
Posted by Janessa at 6:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hush, hush
When I read the back of this book it felt like I was reading a script to a movie I was about to star in because it felt so real to me. Nora Grey, an average sophomore in high school who didn't have falling in love with a handsome stranger in her lifelong plan. No matter how much her best friend vee pushes her to be. Her best friend reminds me of mine, Kristie. Which is why I feel I can relate to this story so much. But back to the story, I'm getting to the good part. All of a sudden came Patch, who totally is hot and not even modest about anything. Odd part is he's been there all along, Nora just never noticed. Weird right? How can you not see that.. However, with his easy eyes that seem to see inside her, he draws her to him against her better judgment.
After a series of terrifying encounters, Nora thinks, well actually knows that it has to do with Patch entering her life and now she doesn't know who to trust. At the beginning of the book I thought to myself oh If I ever met a Patch I wouldn't give it a second thought, but after reading more into Patch's character I realized to be with him, would be more dangerous than you'd think. Patch seems to know more about her than even she does. She doesn't know if she should listen to her heart and run in his arms or trust her gut feeling and run and hide. You know the more you are around a person, the more you get to know who they really are. I would be curious about it all. The more she tries to find some answers, the more impossible events happen.
Nora is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those who have fallen, when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost Nora her life. Dun dun..! This book most definitely made me think about life. I even had dreams and nightmares about it because that's how real it felt for me. I would really recommend this book to anyone who like this type of genre. You will really enjoy this book. I say that anything that can give me goosebumps, is worth looking into.
Posted by Janessa at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Posted by Janessa at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Show And Tell
Posted by Janessa at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
My Sophomore Year
Posted by Janessa at 6:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
My Nephews
You know when they used to live with me I was counting the days till they would be gone because they are soooooo annoying. But now that they are I wish they never left. My older nephew Steven is the kind of guy who acts like a big brother. He looks in my phone for boys numbers. He always has to know what I'm doing or where I'm going at all times. He even gives me lectures like my dad. But trust me he acts his age because he is a brat. He loves to torture me and of course embarrass me, one day at the mall this lady came up to me and asked me how old is your son ? I was like WHAT?? Do I look that old. He's 11. Gosh And Steven just laughed and now he reminds me of it all the time. He drives me nuts.
He's not perfect, he has his fair share of troubles. HE knows everything about me and I know everything about him. Almost everything.. He is like my diary because we have our little secrets that no one knows, we threaten each other with them too. But nothing a pinkie promise couldn't fix. However, he is the smartest kid I know, he might even be smarter than me. Me and him always find ourselves getting in trouble together, especially in public. We make messes together but we still manage to blame each other. For EVERYTHING. I would do anything for him. He is always coming to me for advice and I am willing to give it to him. The kid has more problems than I do. Not really. Me and him stick together, he wants to follow in my footsteps. It's always us against the world and that's how it's always going to be. But don't let this essay fool you because we also fight a lot. It's only normal that I want to beat him all the time and that he is always bugging me.
Now about my nephew Joshua, he may be only be 2 but he is just as bad. We laugh about how he is going to be the trouble maker because he is tough, and he is a little mini bully. He beats everyone up. But for some reason he is so close to me. Hew new. Haha. When he was tinier than he is now he used to call me Mom because I pretty much act liked it the whole entire time. One day at walmart he was crying and screaming because he wanted to get out of the basket and he was all "mama, mommy" screaming that the whole time. Everyone was looking at me like gosh that's her son, she is so young. Teenagers these days. It was sooo embarrassing. See he even starting driving me crazy at a young age. And one day we will tell him that story and I gurantee you he will hold it against me. My family still does. Don't get me wrong my sister is an amazing mom but he just gets us confused. Because sometimes she has to be the bad guy and I am always the one he goes to after that. I find myself always babying him, even when I shouldn't. I am like that with both my nephews. I am always defending them and standing up for them. When they get in trouble, or they get yelled at, who do they run to? Yup, me! My sister always tells me that they need to learn responsibilities and that I need to stop protecting them. But that is like asking me to make my heart stop beating, Wont ever happen till the day I die. When my nephew cries I am the on to wipe their tears away, tell off whoever pissed off Steven, or hug my baby nephew when he is hurt. Josh may be barley learning to talk, and Steven may make me wish he never knew how to talk, but they will rule the world, they already started with mine.
My sister and her boyfriend always talks about having another baby. My brother and his girlfriend do too. Ummm well I'm not sure I want another little nephew or maybe niece running to me. That's all my family talks about, how amazing and interesting it is that they are both so close to me. I think my sister even gets a little jealous. But they're not just close to me, I'm close to them. They're the most important boys, almost guys, and soon to be men in my life. They are my life. And I'm sure as they grow they will still always be bugging me, interrogating the boys I date, get me in trouble, embarass me, hold everthing against me, and never leave me alone. But I don't mind because that means they will always be by my side. And I will never stop protecting them from everything and everyone but myself. :] So I thank my sister everyday for bringing them in my life.
Posted by Janessa at 6:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 10, 2010
Wisdom Quote..
I guess you could say this is what I want people to remember even when one day I'm gone. Being happy is the key to everything in your life. It's a choice you must make for yourself to be happy. It's a wise choice. You have to want to be happy in everything you do because it wont happen on its own. If that is what you choose then you have made a wise decision as they say. If you think about it I don't think you really want to leave this world unhappy. SO why not leave it happy.
Being wise could mean many things. There are many ways to be a wise person. And I believe one of those reasons of being wise is to just be happy. Be yourself. I believe strongly in this quote I wrote because I am a genially happy person. I guess that makes me wise. Having wisdom makes you a strong person. Your powerful in your way. The knowledge you build up inside of you makes you wise and choosing to be happy makes you wise, makes you smart. You have to learn how to control your mind and enlighten yourself.
Intelligence is also a big part of the wisdom to gain. You have to be happy in life. It's one way of succeeding. When you can hear your beat, then your happy. If you think about it being happy solves everything. They always say to find the key to happiness but you are the key. Your the only one that can choose to be something. It's no one Else's decision. being happy will take you long way in life. I don't know about you but I have had a lot of great memories in life when I was happy, and I am looking foward to having a lot more before these words will be the last words people here from me. So remember be happy, and if your not happy, make yourself happy. If you can't then try again because it will takr you far in life. You will be wise.
Posted by Janessa at 6:46 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 30, 2010
For One Day..
You know me and her always fight but were sisters so it's only normal. She is the only sister I have so I make the best of it even if sometimes I wish I didn't have her as a sister. I have always looked up to her even if she doesn't know it. In a lot of my years in school I have always had an assignment to write about my hero, or about someone I admire, and every single time I have always written about her and I always asked myself why? I mean I love her yes but what makes her so special that I write about her every single time. I realized the thing that makes her special is that she is my sister, the best sister. That's what makes her special.
So to get on with it I guess I will tell you why I chose my sister to be for a day. Her life isn't perfect or different it's just HER life. She used to live with us but a couple of months ago she moved out and I actually miss her. You know it's funny because I was literally counting the days till her, my nephews, and her boyfriend would be gone. However, now that they are I wish they never left. Even though she only lives like 3 minutes away. My sister has it easy. Perfect job, amazing kids, beautiful house, and a great man that treats her right. Her life may not be in the slightest way easy but she makes the best of it.
There may not be a big specific reason why I would be her but there are a million little ones. She is a strong women and she gave me 2 amazing nephews. Ever since I was little I always wondered how it would be to live her life and I guess if I had the chance to try it out, I would. Me and my sister may not share the same father, we may only be half sisters but she is my sister and she has more than half of my heart. My sister has always been my parents favorite. They say that they love us both the same but I know they don't mean it. She is the oldest out of us two so that's why they always and I mean always take her side. The thing is my family is always comparing me to my sister. They know that she succeeded and she made a great life for herself and because of that they think I will be the daughter to mess up my future and be a failure. I guess I'm proving them right.. I would just want to be the older sister for a day.
I do look up to her, I want to be just like her one day. But I just want to be my own person. Not Shannon but Janessa. Even if she is my inspiration. And I guess I just wish my parents knew that. I will prove them wrong and I will one day stop being compared to my sister and watch her be compared to me. I would want to see how she lives her life, how hard she works, how she takes care of the kids, how she does it all. It would be good practice for the future. She has drama like the rest of us and she has had her ups and downs but she stays strong through it all. It would definitely be an adventure walking in her shoes for one day. She is a wonderful mother, A great Fiance, obviously a "perfect" daughter, a friendly co-worker, a good friend, etc. And even better than that, the best sister a 16 year old girl could ask for. I wouldn't want to be anyone else but my hero. My best friend. My sister.
Posted by Janessa at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
A Time When I Was Betrayed!!
So here is how it goes, we all have always been a close family. Closer to some more than others. My parents used to be really close to my cousins parents which I guess you could say were my cousins too, but it is because my older cousin was raised like my moms sister and they are not that far apart in age. They had 5 kids, I was closest to my cousin Nicole because we were the same age and we always shared the same birthday. After that I am closest to her sister Suzzanna who is only a year older than us. My parents used to always party with their parents. They would play cards with them, throw parties with them, and what I remember most is the Bonn fires we used to have in the backyard. I was really close to them, they were like my second parents. I was always spending the night at their house when my parents would be with them. Those were the good days. I was younger so I don't remember much of it.
Then, one day out of no where it was after school, I was in about 3rd grade and my mom picked me and my cousin up from school, which was odd because she never picked us up she was always at work. When we got in the car everyone was quiet which is not normal in my family. I asked why she picked us up and she didn't answer me. At the moment I knew something was wrong but I thought she was just going to say she got fired. I wasn't expecting the answer she gave me. She told me that Carlos died. My cousins dad. But the worst part of it was that he didn't just die. He was killed. I fell to pieces. Me and my cousin Aaliyah started crying. Our family was put through an investigation because they were accusing his wife, my cousin for doing it. I admit she had problems, she used to be on drugs and was in and out jail but she would NEVER do that.
It was a horrible situation. She ended up going back to jail but for different reasons. My cousins had to go to foster care because, well I don't know the reason but they had no where to go. My 2 little cousins Alisha and baby Carlos went in Sante Fe to live with their auntie. Ashley, the oldest was on her own and left. And Nicole and Suzzanna came to stay with us for a while but that ended up changing because my parents adopted them. First, Nicole then Suzzanna. I was always the baby out of my siblings so I was excited to have sisters my age. It was fine for a while and then years, years later things changed. It started with Suzzanna she became the trouble maker first. Me and Nicole were in 6Th grade and she was in 8Th. She started acting out and just left one day to go with her older sister. My parents at the time were okay with it because they knew she was safe and they couldn't handle her anymore.
Then, Nicole started up. She started treating me and my parents like crap. She was always jealous of me and the way my parents spoiled me. She wanted to leave too but she was younger so she couldn't and she hated that. Which lead her to start hating us. It was 8Th grade. At that point she would really do anything to leave. And she did. In the process of making all of our lives hell. She told our teacher at school that my dad, being her uncle tried to molest her. Which was bull because the world knows my dad would never in a billion years do that to anyone. And everyone was on his side but they had to go through the whole process like in court and stuff. I remember confronting her once abut it and I was screaming in her face and she was crying and I was crying and I remember just punching her as hard as I could in the face. She fell and my parents both had me by the arms and was telling me to stop. So I did and all she said was "I'm telling you the truth Janessa" and I said "besides why would anyone want to even do those things to you" We cried and I told her "your not my cousin anymore" and we walked away.
The charges were later dropped because there was no proof and she admitted it was all a lie. It was hard to put our family back together because she caused to much damage in our lives. My dad worked with APS so that interfered with his job of course. But he has a better job now, one where he travels a lot but better. Nicole was my best cousin. We did everything together. We grew up together. She was my best friend and for her to do that to us and to cause my whole family so much pain really made us wonder how we could possibly share the same blood with her.
Though we forgave her eventually, things wont ever be the same. She came to this school with me last year but moved at the beginning of this year. We still talk to her once in a while. You know to keep the peace but we wont ever forget what she did to us. How she betrayed us, one of her own after my parents took her in when know one else wanted her. She jumped around from house to house in this family and now is with her older sister where she has been for a while. It wasn't that long ago this happened but I still know every detail of this soap opera, so to speak, all by memory. We have good memories together. Good times we wont be able to forget. All of us. But doing what she did to us, to my dad and to her self, well like people say I will forgive, as we already have. However, we will never forget.
Posted by Janessa at 6:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
Posted by Janessa at 1:02 PM 0 comments
The Sarfish Story
Well I think the moral of this story is that it doesn't matter what you do or the reason for doing it, even just doing something so small can make a difference to just one thing or just one person,
I think what the author wanted to show his audience was that it is so easy to just make a small difference but in a very big way. That little boy knew that he wouldn't be able to save them all but like he said "i made a difference to that one". That's all that mattered was that he saved at least one, he made a difference to one. There is only so much that one person can do. However, doing SOMETHING is better than doing NOTHING. There will always be something that you wont be able to do but at least trying is better that not trying.
When I was little I always used to ask my dad why he wanted to be a doctor, he always gave me the same answer, "Saving lives is MY life, knowing that I saved at least one life makes me believe that I am doing my job right." And when he would tell me that I never understood it because I was little and I would always keep asking him until now of course because I finally get it. He is not a doctor anymore but he says his answer will always be the same because that's what he feels. The point of me saying this is that my dad is right. He has been right all along. I just never cared enough to read into his words. Now I get it and now I want to make a difference.
Something so simple as throwing starfish back into the ocean can make a difference to the environment and to yourself. I think another reason to why the author wrote this story was because well reading it, they wanted you to get the feeling of knowing how good you could feel when doing something good for someone else. I never had that feeling before until recently because I never cared about anything until my life and someone Else's flashed before my eyes. After that everything changed for me, it's never been the same since.
To conclude this, I guess I just learned a lot about life from this story. I learned that just do something, anything that you know matters, somehow makes a difference in a way that you may not have even known was possible. Just try because it will make a difference to something or someone somehow. Maybe even to yourself. So go make a difference in anyway and every way you can!
Posted by Janessa at 12:10 PM 0 comments
The new idea that I have for another episode or chapter, so to speak for the Twilight Saga series would of course just be the continuing of the last book Breaking Dawn. Though it will be different than the last book, it will have every detail of how the last books went. As well as the other books were turned into a movie, mine should as well.
Okay so my idea for the next part of this is, start from where they left off. Just show more. Bella didn't become a vampire until about the end of the book so we should tell more about that and show how things have changed since becoming a vampire, which is what she wanted but not under those circumstances. I also want it to of course talk a lot more about their daughter and the new love with her and Jacob. I'm thinking Bella and Edward do not know if they should send her to school. Their just not sure if they want her to live a normal life or be hidden from the world to keep her safe. I'm thinking Edward's sister Rosalie will still have a problem with Bella, as she always has. But especially now because she has always wanted kids but vampires cant get pregnant so I am guessing there will be some jealousy between them and possibly drama.
Bella is going to do what no one would of never expected her to do, cheat on Edward with JACOB!!!!! Crazy right? Well I want this to be totally out of no where. You know keep the audience guessing. But as always in the end Edward and Bella fall back in deeper love all over again. Rosalie and Bella will get in a fight, like a full out vampire fight. Kind of like in the second book New Moon when Jasper, Bella and Edward had that intense moment.
Posted by Janessa at 7:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Courage and Bravery
A time in my life when I had to have courage and be brave was when my grandma was in the hospital a few years ago. It was such a hard time for my family and we all kind of had to stay strong and pretend that everything was OK. I was a little younger than I am now when it happened but I still remember every single moment of it.
It was completely out of no where. We used to live near my grandma and my Two cousins were staying with her because we had no school for that day, and it was so weird how things worked out because is was the only day my mom had off in a long time. We were getting ready and my cousin Aaliyah called my mom saying my grandma went to go throw the trash and she fell on the rocks. Me and my mom ran over there and saw her laying on the ground and she was really hurt, she couldn't get up. My other cousin Angelo was in the house watching TV and he didn't know what was going on and when we called 911 we all rushed to the hospital. I was so scared but I had to be brave when we got there because my whole family was there and me and Aaliyah who are the same age had to take of the kids, you know keep them busy, pretend like everything was going to be OK. They were all little but they still understood that something was wrong. When they asked us why everyone was crying I just didn't know what to tell them. I mean I didn't want to scare them but since they left me and my cousin in charge, it was our responsibility to make sure they were kept in the blue.
Of course my grandma was fine but it still scared all of us. To make things worse my cousin who had just got out of jail, and was on drugs came to the hospital and was making this whole situation worse. she was starting stuff with everyone, the cops were called, and more tears in every ones eyes. I had to put a straight face and show all the kids that this was just a speed bump in the road and everything was OK. However, to do that I had to make myself believe the same. It was not easy to see my entire family freaking out and then to turn around and pretend everything is fine. I did need courage and I did need to be brave. If not for me then for my family.
Posted by Janessa at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Time Machine
If I were able to invent a time machine I wouldn't go back in time to the past. I would fly my way to the future because the future is a lot more appealing to me than the past. To be honest I don't really care what happened when I wasn't around, all I want to know is what is going to happen in the future when I'm still around. Even though it would the best chance in a lifetime to go back to the past and start over, I think I rather keep going with my life and just move forward. Which is why I chose the future. It would answer so many of the questions being asked.
A specific time I would go to first would probably be 2012 of course, just to answer the really big question, is the world going to end? I guess I would want to know the real answer, and what better to go find out for myself. I would also want to know if i made to my graduation haha. I know it is only two years from now but hey if you think about it, a lot can happen in two years.
After that interesting trip to 2012 I would then go even further into the future to see how much the world has grown. I mean there are so many questions people, including myself have about it and I would just want to go and figure it all out. I would want to see all the new inventions that have been created, I would want to see how I have changed and grown. But then again to think about if the world ever does end then I guess there would be nothing to go to after my first trip, even though I doubt it is.
I just would want to cure my curiosity and finally get some answers. I would want to see id everything i did in my past affected my future somehow. So when going back to my time, I would know what to expect. You see all these movies about the future, about how it is going to be and that just makes you think even harder about what it's really going to be like. Wouldn't it just be nice to see it all for yourself. I mean in history class all you hear about is the past, and about what happened 100 years ago. Well what I don't get is why they never discuss what is going to happen 100 years from now. Isn't it just as important to know what life were going to as it is to what life were coming from?
To say the least I would just want to know what the future is really and truly going to be like. I just want some answers. Maybe I should just wait and see, maybe I wouldn't want to know, maybe once I'm there I will regret finding out, and once I'm back I will regret wanting to know. But then i think where is the fun in that. If I had the time machine to do it all then why not, I mean it would practically be screaming my name to use it, and take the opportunity of a lifetime. I;m not sure if I would like what I'm going to find out in the future but I think knowing is a lot better than not knowing.
Posted by Janessa at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 26, 2010
My Family History
Well i guess you can say my family is not that exciting, I mean nothing really happened in my family history, and if there was then it probably happened too far back that no one can remember. However, to say the least my family has always had this thing where my mom and all of her sisters were married by the age of 16. Of course it was never the boys that had this expectation. my grandma and grandpa made sure they were all married before they even graduated from high school and if possible, pregnant also. Which my mom was pregnant with my sister. It happened the same way too with my grandparents and there parents and so forth. It has always been that way since the very beginning of our family.
They didn't exactly choose the guy they wanted them to marry they just kind of had to approve them. They had no choice, I mean they were all happy but I guess some of them kind of wished that they hadn't been so rushed into it. When asking my grandmother why it has always been that way she said that they wanted my mom and my aunties to start their lives young and she just wanted to prepare them for life.
Of course some of the marriages in my family didn't last, most did like my grandparents, they were married since they were sixteen up until my grandpa passed away a little after I was born so I would say about 50 years. Of course the tradition has changed now because my dad says there is no way me and my sister are going to get married at sixteen, which is how old I am now. Which I guess is kind of good because I am not ready to have a husband.. But I am sure that, that tradition will go on for many, many more years depending on the parents. My mom says that she was happy that her parents made her marry my dad but she wished she could of waited. Which is what they both want me to do, they say it should be my decision on when I want to get married and start a family. They say it is when my heart tells me it is time is when it's time, and that is the only thing I should listen to.
Posted by Janessa at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A Diego Rivera Original....
It's funny how you take a glimpse of something and it all comes to you. There is probably a reason to this painting that Diego Rivera created, but that reason is unknown at the moment and I am making my own guess about it. There is a story to tell about what is going on this picture? Maybe it relates to Diego, maybe it is him once upon a time, or maybe it was just an idea he painted one day, either way this painting practically told me to write about it so I did.
Posted by Janessa at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Statue Of Liberty
The New Colossus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
By:Emma Lazarus
This poem in a way is inspirational. To know that the whole statue of liberty was created based of these words. Just the way she describes the liberty gives you an image in your head, and for that second you can just see it without looking at it.
People don't really notice the poem, they don't really pay attention to it but they should because it is a big part of the statue of liberty, it makes a huge difference to the point of liberty.
Posted by Janessa at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
1.“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love (Gaiman, Neil).1960"
2.“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live(unknown).”
3."If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it dosent, then it was never meant to be(unknown)."
4."Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway(unknown)."
5."Girls are like phones. We love to be held, talked too but if you press the wrong button you'll be disconnected!(unknown)."
6."The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do(unknown)."
7.“Be happy. It's one way of being wise(Gabrielle, Sidonie 2010).”
8."If you want to be happy,then be(Tolsty,Leo)."
9."It's amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces(unknown)."
10."Love is like heaven but can hurt like hell(unknown)."
Posted by Janessa at 7:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
I chose this cause to write about because it really jumped out at me and made me think about things. My auntie died From breast cancer a couple of years ago and I know how it feels to lose someone from this horrible case. It is happening more and more now with women especially young women, that is the scary part. Having this horrible disease takes the lives of innocent people, I should know I lost one of them. My auntie was my hero she stayed strong through it all and she never gave up. She knew what was going to happen to her and she never looked down on it.
I don't know if this runs in my family but I refuse to lose any one else to breast cancer. That is why I am supporting the "Early Act" which is to help increase the survival of young women with breast cancer. These women, these young girls are fighting for their lives right now and it could easily be any one of us, It could be me. You should always fight, it could happen to anyone. They are fighting for their lives, so we should fight for them.
Posted by Janessa at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
The Light Within..
There is so much going on in this picture, I see hope. there is more out there than what meets the eye, There is more out there beyond where you are at that very moment.
In this picture you cant just look at the obvious you have to look past it and go beyond what is right in front of you which is pretty much what you need to do in life. There is a story behind everything in life and you just have to figure out how your going to tell it. If your in a deep place and you just cant seem to get out of it, you have to find the light and go with it because each day is a new start and you just have to remember every day the sun comes back up all over again..
Posted by Janessa at 7:26 AM 0 comments