Friday, April 30, 2010

For One Day..

Hmmm... If I could be anyone in the world for one day I would probably be my older sister Shannon. The reason for this is because she is my hero. And when she reads this, she will probably hold it against me forever and tease me about it because its corny and cheesy and then she will actually know that yes it is true I do love her. Even though sometimes I want to punch her face in.

You know me and her always fight but were sisters so it's only normal. She is the only sister I have so I make the best of it even if sometimes I wish I didn't have her as a sister. I have always looked up to her even if she doesn't know it. In a lot of my years in school I have always had an assignment to write about my hero, or about someone I admire, and every single time I have always written about her and I always asked myself why? I mean I love her yes but what makes her so special that I write about her every single time. I realized the thing that makes her special is that she is my sister, the best sister. That's what makes her special.

So to get on with it I guess I will tell you why I chose my sister to be for a day. Her life isn't perfect or different it's just HER life. She used to live with us but a couple of months ago she moved out and I actually miss her. You know it's funny because I was literally counting the days till her, my nephews, and her boyfriend would be gone. However, now that they are I wish they never left. Even though she only lives like 3 minutes away. My sister has it easy. Perfect job, amazing kids, beautiful house, and a great man that treats her right. Her life may not be in the slightest way easy but she makes the best of it.

There may not be a big specific reason why I would be her but there are a million little ones. She is a strong women and she gave me 2 amazing nephews. Ever since I was little I always wondered how it would be to live her life and I guess if I had the chance to try it out, I would. Me and my sister may not share the same father, we may only be half sisters but she is my sister and she has more than half of my heart. My sister has always been my parents favorite. They say that they love us both the same but I know they don't mean it. She is the oldest out of us two so that's why they always and I mean always take her side. The thing is my family is always comparing me to my sister. They know that she succeeded and she made a great life for herself and because of that they think I will be the daughter to mess up my future and be a failure. I guess I'm proving them right.. I would just want to be the older sister for a day.

I do look up to her, I want to be just like her one day. But I just want to be my own person. Not Shannon but Janessa. Even if she is my inspiration. And I guess I just wish my parents knew that. I will prove them wrong and I will one day stop being compared to my sister and watch her be compared to me. I would want to see how she lives her life, how hard she works, how she takes care of the kids, how she does it all. It would be good practice for the future. She has drama like the rest of us and she has had her ups and downs but she stays strong through it all. It would definitely be an adventure walking in her shoes for one day. She is a wonderful mother, A great Fiance, obviously a "perfect" daughter, a friendly co-worker, a good friend, etc. And even better than that, the best sister a 16 year old girl could ask for. I wouldn't want to be anyone else but my hero. My best friend. My sister.

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Time When I Was Betrayed!!

Well it is kind of hard to pick only one time that I was betrayed because well lets just say I'm a teenager if you catch my drift, there is not enough words in the world to talk about each and everyone. However, I am going to speak of a betrayal that really hit me and my family hard. The reason for that is because it was in the family, one of our own, our own flesh and blood.

So here is how it goes, we all have always been a close family. Closer to some more than others. My parents used to be really close to my cousins parents which I guess you could say were my cousins too, but it is because my older cousin was raised like my moms sister and they are not that far apart in age. They had 5 kids, I was closest to my cousin Nicole because we were the same age and we always shared the same birthday. After that I am closest to her sister Suzzanna who is only a year older than us. My parents used to always party with their parents. They would play cards with them, throw parties with them, and what I remember most is the Bonn fires we used to have in the backyard. I was really close to them, they were like my second parents. I was always spending the night at their house when my parents would be with them. Those were the good days. I was younger so I don't remember much of it.

Then, one day out of no where it was after school, I was in about 3rd grade and my mom picked me and my cousin up from school, which was odd because she never picked us up she was always at work. When we got in the car everyone was quiet which is not normal in my family. I asked why she picked us up and she didn't answer me. At the moment I knew something was wrong but I thought she was just going to say she got fired. I wasn't expecting the answer she gave me. She told me that Carlos died. My cousins dad. But the worst part of it was that he didn't just die. He was killed. I fell to pieces. Me and my cousin Aaliyah started crying. Our family was put through an investigation because they were accusing his wife, my cousin for doing it. I admit she had problems, she used to be on drugs and was in and out jail but she would NEVER do that.

It was a horrible situation. She ended up going back to jail but for different reasons. My cousins had to go to foster care because, well I don't know the reason but they had no where to go. My 2 little cousins Alisha and baby Carlos went in Sante Fe to live with their auntie. Ashley, the oldest was on her own and left. And Nicole and Suzzanna came to stay with us for a while but that ended up changing because my parents adopted them. First, Nicole then Suzzanna. I was always the baby out of my siblings so I was excited to have sisters my age. It was fine for a while and then years, years later things changed. It started with Suzzanna she became the trouble maker first. Me and Nicole were in 6Th grade and she was in 8Th. She started acting out and just left one day to go with her older sister. My parents at the time were okay with it because they knew she was safe and they couldn't handle her anymore.

Then, Nicole started up. She started treating me and my parents like crap. She was always jealous of me and the way my parents spoiled me. She wanted to leave too but she was younger so she couldn't and she hated that. Which lead her to start hating us. It was 8Th grade. At that point she would really do anything to leave. And she did. In the process of making all of our lives hell. She told our teacher at school that my dad, being her uncle tried to molest her. Which was bull because the world knows my dad would never in a billion years do that to anyone. And everyone was on his side but they had to go through the whole process like in court and stuff. I remember confronting her once abut it and I was screaming in her face and she was crying and I was crying and I remember just punching her as hard as I could in the face. She fell and my parents both had me by the arms and was telling me to stop. So I did and all she said was "I'm telling you the truth Janessa" and I said "besides why would anyone want to even do those things to you" We cried and I told her "your not my cousin anymore" and we walked away.

The charges were later dropped because there was no proof and she admitted it was all a lie. It was hard to put our family back together because she caused to much damage in our lives. My dad worked with APS so that interfered with his job of course. But he has a better job now, one where he travels a lot but better. Nicole was my best cousin. We did everything together. We grew up together. She was my best friend and for her to do that to us and to cause my whole family so much pain really made us wonder how we could possibly share the same blood with her.

Though we forgave her eventually, things wont ever be the same. She came to this school with me last year but moved at the beginning of this year. We still talk to her once in a while. You know to keep the peace but we wont ever forget what she did to us. How she betrayed us, one of her own after my parents took her in when know one else wanted her. She jumped around from house to house in this family and now is with her older sister where she has been for a while. It wasn't that long ago this happened but I still know every detail of this soap opera, so to speak, all by memory. We have good memories together. Good times we wont be able to forget. All of us. But doing what she did to us, to my dad and to her self, well like people say I will forgive, as we already have. However, we will never forget.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Gay Rights.. We all know it, we've all heard of it. Though I am not gay, I still support it becuase it does not matter if you are with someone of the same sex. It should not matter to other people who your with and why your with them.

I was just on and reading these stories about how gay marriage has effected some of these states, just does not make sense to me becuase honestly it is none of their business. Of course some states allow it, some still don't and they should. I know a lot of people that are gay and they are human! They are just like us, they are not any different. Which is why I support this 100%.

You love who you love and that's that. You can't change what your heart wants. Reading some of these articles on the website made me think. How could people be so against it if it has nothing to do with them, with their lives. The state of California just passed a law stating them gay rights. What I dont understand is why every state is not like that. A lot of my friends and people I know are interested in the same sex, I have no problem with it even though I am not gay.

The horrible things that are happening to people because of who they are is horrible. The teasing, the bullying, the suicides. And to tell you the truth the government isn't any different. By not allowing gay marriages in a lot of these states they are practically telling them they don't belong in the world. is the title of the website but really the title of it says it all. Change is what needs to happen SOON!

The Sarfish Story

Well I think the moral of this story is that it doesn't matter what you do or the reason for doing it, even just doing something so small can make a difference to just one thing or just one person,
I think what the author wanted to show his audience was that it is so easy to just make a small difference but in a very big way. That little boy knew that he wouldn't be able to save them all but like he said "i made a difference to that one". That's all that mattered was that he saved at least one, he made a difference to one. There is only so much that one person can do. However, doing SOMETHING is better than doing NOTHING. There will always be something that you wont be able to do but at least trying is better that not trying.

When I was little I always used to ask my dad why he wanted to be a doctor, he always gave me the same answer, "Saving lives is MY life, knowing that I saved at least one life makes me believe that I am doing my job right." And when he would tell me that I never understood it because I was little and I would always keep asking him until now of course because I finally get it. He is not a doctor anymore but he says his answer will always be the same because that's what he feels. The point of me saying this is that my dad is right. He has been right all along. I just never cared enough to read into his words. Now I get it and now I want to make a difference.

Something so simple as throwing starfish back into the ocean can make a difference to the environment and to yourself. I think another reason to why the author wrote this story was because well reading it, they wanted you to get the feeling of knowing how good you could feel when doing something good for someone else. I never had that feeling before until recently because I never cared about anything until my life and someone Else's flashed before my eyes. After that everything changed for me, it's never been the same since.

I used to want to be a doctor like my parents when i was little, until I realized I could not handle blood.. And now I want to be a phsycologist because helping people with their problems makes me feel like I have accomplished something in life, I get that from my dad. I guess when I am older I will be making a bigger difference than i am now. My dad tells me now that just by living I am making a difference. Then I think to myself "not a very big one" I know I could make a difference if I just tried a little harder.

To conclude this, I guess I just learned a lot about life from this story. I learned that just do something, anything that you know matters, somehow makes a difference in a way that you may not have even known was possible. Just try because it will make a difference to something or someone somehow. Maybe even to yourself. So go make a difference in anyway and every way you can!

The new idea that I have for another episode or chapter, so to speak for the Twilight Saga series would of course just be the continuing of the last book Breaking Dawn. Though it will be different than the last book, it will have every detail of how the last books went. As well as the other books were turned into a movie, mine should as well.

I will start off by telling a short summary of the other book. In the last book, Bella and Edward are married and on their honey moon. This one is the one where she has to choose once and for all who she wants to be with, Edward or Jacob. Bella becomes pregnant and in the process of giving birth she must be turned by Edward into a vampire to save her life. Her baby is born half human and half vampire. Their daughter was meant to be together. The Volturi, their enemies came and they all ended this feud once and for all. The next series will be continuing on from where that left off. I will continue telling this story from my point of view and how I think the next one should be.

Okay so my idea for the next part of this is, start from where they left off. Just show more. Bella didn't become a vampire until about the end of the book so we should tell more about that and show how things have changed since becoming a vampire, which is what she wanted but not under those circumstances. I also want it to of course talk a lot more about their daughter and the new love with her and Jacob. I'm thinking Bella and Edward do not know if they should send her to school. Their just not sure if they want her to live a normal life or be hidden from the world to keep her safe. I'm thinking Edward's sister Rosalie will still have a problem with Bella, as she always has. But especially now because she has always wanted kids but vampires cant get pregnant so I am guessing there will be some jealousy between them and possibly drama.

I am also thinking that things will definitely be different now that Bella isn't human. I will tell about what happens with her family. To put a twist in the story I will have Bella's parents get back together, just to freak the audience out. I want to make people cry their eyes out when reading this and eventually watching it. I want to keep their undying love, undying. Jacob is still going to want Bella even though he know there is no chance in hell that he will ever get her because she is married now to the guy she chose and not to mention she just had his baby.

Bella is going to do what no one would of never expected her to do, cheat on Edward with JACOB!!!!! Crazy right? Well I want this to be totally out of no where. You know keep the audience guessing. But as always in the end Edward and Bella fall back in deeper love all over again. Rosalie and Bella will get in a fight, like a full out vampire fight. Kind of like in the second book New Moon when Jasper, Bella and Edward had that intense moment.
This story will always continue on and on and on. It will never dye just like this classic love story with vampires and werewolf's.. Though my ideas are just in my imagination, one day I hope to see them come to life even in a different way. This series is amazing, which is why I am writing about it.. And I hope to see it grow.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Courage and Bravery

"Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.” (Franklin P. Jones quotes)

A time in my life when I had to have courage and be brave was when my grandma was in the hospital a few years ago. It was such a hard time for my family and we all kind of had to stay strong and pretend that everything was OK. I was a little younger than I am now when it happened but I still remember every single moment of it.

It was completely out of no where. We used to live near my grandma and my Two cousins were staying with her because we had no school for that day, and it was so weird how things worked out because is was the only day my mom had off in a long time. We were getting ready and my cousin Aaliyah called my mom saying my grandma went to go throw the trash and she fell on the rocks. Me and my mom ran over there and saw her laying on the ground and she was really hurt, she couldn't get up. My other cousin Angelo was in the house watching TV and he didn't know what was going on and when we called 911 we all rushed to the hospital. I was so scared but I had to be brave when we got there because my whole family was there and me and Aaliyah who are the same age had to take of the kids, you know keep them busy, pretend like everything was going to be OK. They were all little but they still understood that something was wrong. When they asked us why everyone was crying I just didn't know what to tell them. I mean I didn't want to scare them but since they left me and my cousin in charge, it was our responsibility to make sure they were kept in the blue.

Of course my grandma was fine but it still scared all of us. To make things worse my cousin who had just got out of jail, and was on drugs came to the hospital and was making this whole situation worse. she was starting stuff with everyone, the cops were called, and more tears in every ones eyes. I had to put a straight face and show all the kids that this was just a speed bump in the road and everything was OK. However, to do that I had to make myself believe the same. It was not easy to see my entire family freaking out and then to turn around and pretend everything is fine. I did need courage and I did need to be brave. If not for me then for my family.