Monday, April 12, 2010

Gay Rights.. We all know it, we've all heard of it. Though I am not gay, I still support it becuase it does not matter if you are with someone of the same sex. It should not matter to other people who your with and why your with them.

I was just on and reading these stories about how gay marriage has effected some of these states, just does not make sense to me becuase honestly it is none of their business. Of course some states allow it, some still don't and they should. I know a lot of people that are gay and they are human! They are just like us, they are not any different. Which is why I support this 100%.

You love who you love and that's that. You can't change what your heart wants. Reading some of these articles on the website made me think. How could people be so against it if it has nothing to do with them, with their lives. The state of California just passed a law stating them gay rights. What I dont understand is why every state is not like that. A lot of my friends and people I know are interested in the same sex, I have no problem with it even though I am not gay.

The horrible things that are happening to people because of who they are is horrible. The teasing, the bullying, the suicides. And to tell you the truth the government isn't any different. By not allowing gay marriages in a lot of these states they are practically telling them they don't belong in the world. is the title of the website but really the title of it says it all. Change is what needs to happen SOON!