Monday, April 12, 2010

The new idea that I have for another episode or chapter, so to speak for the Twilight Saga series would of course just be the continuing of the last book Breaking Dawn. Though it will be different than the last book, it will have every detail of how the last books went. As well as the other books were turned into a movie, mine should as well.

I will start off by telling a short summary of the other book. In the last book, Bella and Edward are married and on their honey moon. This one is the one where she has to choose once and for all who she wants to be with, Edward or Jacob. Bella becomes pregnant and in the process of giving birth she must be turned by Edward into a vampire to save her life. Her baby is born half human and half vampire. Their daughter was meant to be together. The Volturi, their enemies came and they all ended this feud once and for all. The next series will be continuing on from where that left off. I will continue telling this story from my point of view and how I think the next one should be.

Okay so my idea for the next part of this is, start from where they left off. Just show more. Bella didn't become a vampire until about the end of the book so we should tell more about that and show how things have changed since becoming a vampire, which is what she wanted but not under those circumstances. I also want it to of course talk a lot more about their daughter and the new love with her and Jacob. I'm thinking Bella and Edward do not know if they should send her to school. Their just not sure if they want her to live a normal life or be hidden from the world to keep her safe. I'm thinking Edward's sister Rosalie will still have a problem with Bella, as she always has. But especially now because she has always wanted kids but vampires cant get pregnant so I am guessing there will be some jealousy between them and possibly drama.

I am also thinking that things will definitely be different now that Bella isn't human. I will tell about what happens with her family. To put a twist in the story I will have Bella's parents get back together, just to freak the audience out. I want to make people cry their eyes out when reading this and eventually watching it. I want to keep their undying love, undying. Jacob is still going to want Bella even though he know there is no chance in hell that he will ever get her because she is married now to the guy she chose and not to mention she just had his baby.

Bella is going to do what no one would of never expected her to do, cheat on Edward with JACOB!!!!! Crazy right? Well I want this to be totally out of no where. You know keep the audience guessing. But as always in the end Edward and Bella fall back in deeper love all over again. Rosalie and Bella will get in a fight, like a full out vampire fight. Kind of like in the second book New Moon when Jasper, Bella and Edward had that intense moment.
This story will always continue on and on and on. It will never dye just like this classic love story with vampires and werewolf's.. Though my ideas are just in my imagination, one day I hope to see them come to life even in a different way. This series is amazing, which is why I am writing about it.. And I hope to see it grow.