Monday, April 12, 2010

The Sarfish Story

Well I think the moral of this story is that it doesn't matter what you do or the reason for doing it, even just doing something so small can make a difference to just one thing or just one person,
I think what the author wanted to show his audience was that it is so easy to just make a small difference but in a very big way. That little boy knew that he wouldn't be able to save them all but like he said "i made a difference to that one". That's all that mattered was that he saved at least one, he made a difference to one. There is only so much that one person can do. However, doing SOMETHING is better than doing NOTHING. There will always be something that you wont be able to do but at least trying is better that not trying.

When I was little I always used to ask my dad why he wanted to be a doctor, he always gave me the same answer, "Saving lives is MY life, knowing that I saved at least one life makes me believe that I am doing my job right." And when he would tell me that I never understood it because I was little and I would always keep asking him until now of course because I finally get it. He is not a doctor anymore but he says his answer will always be the same because that's what he feels. The point of me saying this is that my dad is right. He has been right all along. I just never cared enough to read into his words. Now I get it and now I want to make a difference.

Something so simple as throwing starfish back into the ocean can make a difference to the environment and to yourself. I think another reason to why the author wrote this story was because well reading it, they wanted you to get the feeling of knowing how good you could feel when doing something good for someone else. I never had that feeling before until recently because I never cared about anything until my life and someone Else's flashed before my eyes. After that everything changed for me, it's never been the same since.

I used to want to be a doctor like my parents when i was little, until I realized I could not handle blood.. And now I want to be a phsycologist because helping people with their problems makes me feel like I have accomplished something in life, I get that from my dad. I guess when I am older I will be making a bigger difference than i am now. My dad tells me now that just by living I am making a difference. Then I think to myself "not a very big one" I know I could make a difference if I just tried a little harder.

To conclude this, I guess I just learned a lot about life from this story. I learned that just do something, anything that you know matters, somehow makes a difference in a way that you may not have even known was possible. Just try because it will make a difference to something or someone somehow. Maybe even to yourself. So go make a difference in anyway and every way you can!